we all take differents paths in life,
but no matter where we go,
we always take a little of each other everywhere....
Friday, August 01, 2008
12:08 AM
isn't it obvious, it's Friday and I don't have classes on Fridays! sooo I'm slacking off.. anyway these thoughts just passed my mind today, remembered them and well you know the routine, I rummage on the keyboard and voila!
part1: cartons
"ang weird noh, bilog ang mundo pero buong buhay natin puro kahon. pagkapanganak mo kahon [crib], buong buhay mo magtatrabaho ka para mauwi rin sa isang kahoy na kahon na ilalaglag rin sa isang kahon" - some indie film..
our lives were made by the different boxes that were created by who-knows-who. throughout our existence, we are to make a decision in one way or another which box we would like to slip our lives in.
some people can't find which box they really belong and prefer the variety box (a mediocre box) a nothing to lose, nothing to gain box and a box that lacks identity.
i once chose this box but felt the need for uniqueness. that is the only thing i love about these boxes it doesn't have physical locks, all abstract. mental. we can always choose to stay or leave that box and switch to another.
now what i hate about these boxes, i hate the way it boxes us in. boxes have labels and if you choose to settle in one with a certain label you'll have to comply. that is not really that hateful right? especially if you chose that certain box because that is where you feel you belong. BUT, when something arises that isn't coherent to our box label, we restrain ourselves. violating human nature, our true desires.
BOXES are made by ideals, norms, selfless deeds and personal satisfaction.(instilled to convince your own self) whether we like it or not, we choose our box and we live by it one box at a time (parang jordin sparks lang, one step at a time).
I guess,we really can't have everything in life. i need another refresher of the definition of freedom...
"it doesn't matter whether we come in an 8 pack or 16 pack... we are a box of crayons.. we color our pages [life]....I say we color out of the lines" - man in a "sailboat autmobile", - Waking Life
part 2: Freeze-melt
i recently watched this movie entitled "Love so divine" (yea, you thought that right. another korean creation but i hope this fact will not discourage you into reading what this post is actually about.)
the movie was lovely! suits hopeless romantic wallflowers like me who fanatsizes over reel perfect love stories.
there was a part in that story when the lady protagonist watched a group of children play freeze-melt game. if you are not familiar with it then let me brief you on it, we [filipinos] have our version of this game called "Solid, Liquid, Gas" still ain't ringing a bell?
the mechanic is simple: the "it" tags a person and declares him either solid or gas, wherein that person should stand in his place and act solid like a statue or in the case of being casted as "gas" act like a floating matter. those tagged by the IT remains in that manner unless someone who hasn't been tagged comes to sort of save them by turning them into liquid (well not literally of course).
the Korean version on the other hand is only constituted by two forms of matter solid and liquid. this just proves how creative and righteous Filipinos are (REALLY WIDE SMILE). :p
anyway that introduction was misleading. going back.. so she was watching and said that she felt sorry for the "It" because it was like one-sided love. she did not explain further, that was all that she said. come to think of it, it was such an enlightening metaphor.
THE PROBLEM with one sided love, the "it" will eventually tire out in desperately freezing a person in a form that she wanted that person to stay in. while, others that she cannot manipulate will always come and melt that person (the "it" is trying to keep in place) and together run away with him away from the "it."
one sided love knows no reciprocation and no matter how much you want someone to just freeze there and stay, he won't. he won't unless he willingly freezes for you.
ahhhhh maudlin isn't it?! ehhh it seems kasi that July is love month! all of my friends are in love! nakakainggit..haha
think happy thoughts!

The girl
full name: Christine Joyce Placino
age: 18 yrs. old! woohoo!
birthday: April 23, 1989
one weird thing about me is: i talk a lot..i mean really..
"it doesn't hurt to be optimistic, you can always cry later" - nope, not my principle..
"it doesn't hurt to be a pessimist, at least you won't cry later" - yep, that's better
for comments, suggestions and violent reactions, mail to me!
ice cream!
dulce de leche cake! miss that
more of my korean crushes
good grades...waah
go swimming!
got something to say? post it in*
“Mangarap ka at abutin mo ito. Huwag mo sisihin ang sira mong pamilya,
palpak mong syota, pilay mong tuta o mga lumilipad na ipis. Kung may pagkukulang sa iyo ang
magulang mo, pwede kang manisi at magrebelde. Tumigil ka sa pag-aaral, magdrugs ka, magpakulay
ng buhok sa kili-kili. Sa bandang huli, ikaw din ang biktima. Rebeldeng walang napatunayan at
bait sa sarili. Kaya … enjoy life. Learn how to play the game.” — Bob Ong from Stainless